Posts Tagged 'Dr. Masaru Emoto'

Water imprinting and homeopathy

07 October 2011 at 12:08

Water imprinting and homeopathy

I came across this review on the web about a new book that has come out 'HeartFusion: The Magic of Imprinting Water', it looks specifically at homeopathic principles and the work by Dr. Masaru Emoto on water crystals.

HeartFusion: The Magic of Imprinting Water
posted by Celeste Yarnall, Ph.D Oct 4, 2011 10:01 am

I recently read a wonderful, innovative book by, Jana Shiloh, MA CCH entitled HeartFusion: The Magic of Imprinting Water.

I was delighted to have discovered this book because a brand new technology based on homeopathic principles is covered in great detail. It teaches the basics of what the author has discovered in her own homeopathic and flower essence practice, in such a way that anyone can do it to treat themselves (or even their children and animals) for conditions which are often referred to as ‘stuck emotions, core issues, old traumas,’ etc.  Here we find a lovely marriage between homeopathic principles and Dr. Masaru Emoto’s famous work with water crystals.

I covered the medical system known as Homeopathy in an article perviously published here, Homeopathy for Dogs and Cats. Don’t let the mention of dogs or cats dissuade you from reading it for an understanding of homeopathy for people as the principles behind homeopathy work on all mammals in the same way.

To review the principles briefly, homeopathic remedies are based most often, on imprinted water from plant, mineral, vegetable or energetic sources. Homeopathy is a form of energy medicine. The main principle in homeopathy is that, in order to stimulate the whole ‘being’ (physical, mental and emotional) into healing and rebalancing itself, is by use of a substance (frequency) which must be chosen in order to create the same combination of symptoms we would find in a healthy person. This is known as the law of similars or, “Like Cures Like.” The body and mind react to this subtle energy ‘reminder’ of what is wrong, and responds by healing itself, but only if the remedy and the potency are accurate. The energy of the substance is actually imprinted into water in a very special way. Because the process is energetic and not chemical, it is known (when the right remedy is found) to work instantly and shift energy to cause healing. The important thing in homeopathy is to find just the right remedy to match the combination of symptoms the patient has. It takes a lot of training to practice true classical homeopathy to this level. However, this book offers some exciting new possibilities for those interested in healing themselves as well as students of homeopathy to explore. You will be venturing out on a path that has not been walked on before but that is how many great innovations are discovered!

Dr. Masaru Emoto, in his book The Messages from Water (Hay House, 2009) demonstrated again and again how water is imprintable. If you are familiar with Dr. Emoto you will recall that he is the gentleman from Japan who proved that prayer, thought, emotions, music, etc., all carry frequencies that can imprint water. His ideas were presented in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know? You might also recall the beautiful water chrystals that looked like snowflakes. Using these principles which Dr. Emoto explored and fusing them with homeopathic principles, Ms. Shiloh attests, can work quite well with imprinted water. Many people are more familiar with homeopathic remedies when they are found on health food store shelves in the form of pellets, tablets granules, and tinctures, but water imprints perfectly for our purposes.

In HeartFusion™ Ms. Shiloh may have just taken the next step in the evolution of homeopathy which she refers to as “Personal Growth Homeopathy.” It may take a while for the homeopathic community to embrace this new technology but she certainly has caught my attention. I thoroughly enjoyed the session that I did with her personally and am quite impressed with the outcome.

Tags: Water | crystals | Dr. Masaru Emoto | homeopathy