Homeopathic Remedy Offers New Hope to Cancer Sufferers
12 August 2013 at 09:37
One of the most exciting developments in the war on cancer has just been published in the Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, where new research shows that the homeopathic remedy, Lycopodium Clavatum (a spore bearing plant from the clubmoss family), has an anti-cancer effect on infected cells while protecting normal blood cells.
The report by the Boiron Laboratory in France and the University of Kalyani in India reveals that highly diluted Lycopodium Clavatum remedies (LC-5C and LC-15C) are capable of inducing 'apoptosis' (cellular death) in cervical cancer cells, signifying their possible use as a supportive medicine in cancer therapy.
This isn't the first time that a homeopathic remedy has been found to be effective against cancer. Two previous studies have produced similarly exciting results. Frenkel, M. et al. (2010) used ultra-diluted remedies of Phytolacca, Carcinosin, Conium, and Thuja on breast cancer cells and witnessed a deactivation of the cancer in a process called cytotoxicity. Another team, led by Toliopoulos IK, Simos Y, Bougiouklis D and Oikonomidis S (2013), discovered that certain homeopathic complexes were able to stimulate the anti-cancer activity of Natural Killer Cells (part of our immune system) in cancer patients.
To read the full article please click here
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