Posts Tagged 'Australia'

Male Cancer Patients Turn To Alternative Treatments

23 December 2011 at 12:33

Research from the University of Adelaide has found that more than 50% of men diagnosed with cancer in Australia are turning to complementary and alternative medicine to help find a cure, or to improve their health.

The PhD student leading the research called for a more holistic approach to care and for open discussions between clinicians and patients over the usage, efficacy and safety of CAMs.

Read the full article here:

Tags: Alternative Medicine | University of Adelaide | Australia

New Energy, New beginning, New Australia

01 August 2007 at 12:48

The School of Homeopathy, one of the oldest and most prestigious School’s in the UK is re-launching its homeopathy home study course in Australia. The Practitioner Diploma Course now has ... [ read more ]

Tags: Homeopathy | Homestudy | Australia | School of Homeopathy