Posts Tagged 'antibiotics'

Antibiotics can't cure colds - but a placebo may

02 December 2011 at 16:24

An interesting article from the online Guardian looking into the use of placebo medicines in place of antibiotics to reduce disease. Read the full article here:

Tags: Antibiotics | Placebo

European Antibiotic Awareness Day

18 November 2011 at 12:29

Friday 18th November is the 4th European Antibiotic Awareness Day. Here is homeopaths contribution to the day and to spreading the word about homeopathy as an alternative. ... [ read more ]

Tags: Homeopathy | Antibiotics |

No antibiotics for farm animals

16 November 2011 at 18:54

EU to phase out antibiotics for farm animal diseases prevention and backs homeopathic remedy livestock research. The European Parliament has backed the phasing out of antibiotics on farm animals ... [ read more ]

Tags: homeopathy | antibiotics | farm animals