School of Homeopathy is turning Japanese!
01 November 2008 at 13:10
The School of Homeopathy has launched in Japan. Working with long-time colleague, professional homeopath and graduate, Kowa Nagamatsu, the School of Homeopathy has officially launched its home study program in Japan. Kowa and her team have spent the last two years developing the program and translating it into Japanese. Kowa runs the program from her offices in Tokyo where she also works with the Hahnemann Academy.
The new venture opens up opportunities to share seminars and summer school events, which means Japanese students can benefit from more one-to-one contact hours with UK and international tutors. Kowa has already arranged for Janet Snowdon to teach in Japan from November 1st – 3rd. This will be followed by two more events later in the year with David Mundy and Dinesh Chauhan. For more information about these exciting seminars please contact Kowa direct at:
The Japanese program operates under license from the School of Homeopathy and this means that new students have the option of studying with us in either English or Japanese. If students wish to study in English, they enrol onto the International home study program from England; if Japanese is preferred, they can enrol with the School of Homeopathy Japan with Kowa. The School also has a newly created Japanese website giving full details about the courses:
Mani Norland, UK director, said, “this is a wonderful development for the School and Japan. We already have many students in Japan but as homeopathy starts to really take off in Japan and we are delighted to be able to offer the program in Japanese too. Our courses give students the freedom to study from home at their own pace and helps them to gain an in-depth understanding of this great healing modality - with the opportunity to become a highly qualified homeopath.”
Kowa is a skilled homeopath herself and has worked at the Hahnmann Academy for many years. She has also studied with many of the world’s leading homeopaths including Misha Norland, Jeremy Sherr, Masa Nagamatsu, David Mundy, Janet Snowdon, Rajan Sankaran, Dinesh Chauhan and Julian Carlyon.
Kowa, the School’s Japanese representative, says, “we are honoured to bring the School of Homeopathy to Japan in this way and look forward to helping homeopathy blossom across Japan. We hope to bring many leading teachers to Japan for the students here”.
Misha Norland, School founder and course leader, says, “It is great to have Kowa on board. We have no doubt that she will uphold the high principals of the School and help spread homeopathy in Japan.”
Current students enrolled on the English program have the option of transferring to the Japanese program once they have completed the Units they are enrolled upon. However, students should note that there are course fee differences as the Japanese program is more expensive than the English equivalent. This is due to the investment in translating the course and setting the program up in Japan. So those students with a good grasp of English may well prefer to stay with the UK program. All School students will be invited to the seminars that are organised in Japan, regardless of the program they are on. If you think you may like to transfer or have any questions about this please contact Mani at
If you are interested in the November seminar with Janet Snowdon please contact Kowa at