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- Study
- Nutrition
- What is Nutrition?
- Studying Nutrition
- Student Case Studies
- Nutrition Beginners Course
- Nutrition Advisor Course Yr 1
- Nutritional Therapist Course Yr 2
- Nutritional Therapist Advanced Course Yr 3
- Building Your Practice Course
- Nutrition in the Kitchen
- Clinical Training
- Becoming a Nutritionist
- Nutrition Prospectus
- A-Z of Nutrition
- Homeopathy
- What is Homeopathy?
- Studying Homeopathy
- Student Case Studies
- Homeopathy for Home Course
- Homeopathy for Home Course
- Homeopathy for Baby Course
- Homeopathy for Baby Course
- Homeopathy for Pets Course
- Homeopathy Taster Course
- Homeopathy Yr 1 Foundation Course
- Homeopathy Yr 2 Intro into Practice Course
- Homeopathy Yr 3 Higher Diploma (1) Course
- Homeopathy Yr 4 Higher Diploma (2) Course
- Clinical Training
- Homeopathy Attendance Course
- Becoming a Homeopath
- Homeopathy Prospectus
- A-Z of Homeopathy
- Herbal Medicine
- Yoga
- Naturopathy
- What is Naturopathy?
- Studying Naturopathy
- Registered Naturopathy ND
- Naturopathy Course
- Unit 1 : Ayurveda Medicine
- Unit 2: Chinese Medicine
- Unit 3: Tibetan & Unani Medicine
- Unit 4: Homeopathy
- Unit 5: Naturopathy
- Unit 6: Homotoxicology
- Unit 7: Psychosocial
- Unit 8: Iridology
- Unit 9: Hydrotherapy
- Unit 10: Oral Health
- Becoming a Naturopath
- Clinical Training
- Naturopathy prospectus
- A-Z of Naturopathy
- Medical Sciences
- The School
- Be Better
- Books
- Homeopathy : Good Science
- Materia Medica of the Human Mind
- The Mind
- The System of Homoeopathy
- Pointers to the Common Remedies
- Everyday Homeopathy for Animals
- Lesser Writings
- Signatures, Miasms, AIDS
- The Chronic Miasms - Psora and Psuedo-Psora
- Synoptic Key
- Best of Burnett - ONE LEFT!
- Comparative Materia Medica
- Carcinosin Drug Picture
- The Clinical Medicine Guide
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Using Provings in Homeopathy
- The Prescribed Drug Guide
- Homoeopathic Facial Analysis
- The Four Elements
- Homeopathy For Mother And Baby
- The Complete Homeopathy Handbook
- Homeopathy - A Rational Choice in Medicine
- Essentials of Human Nutrition
- The Physiology Colouring Book
- Get Well Soon
- Vital Practice
- 1 Left - Using Realms in Homeopathy
- Diet & Nutrition, A Holistic Approach
- Using Mappa Mundi in Homeopathy
- The Clinical Medicine Guide
- The Concise Human Body Book
- Homeopathy 20 Questions Answered
- Gut
- The Heart of Yoga, Developing a Personal Practice
- The Nature of Disease
- Homeopathy - Hippocratic Medicine
- A Celebration of Provings
- Animalia
- One Earth Three Worlds
- The Complete Herbal Tutor
- Hedgerow Medicine
- Book Lists
- Events
- Webinars
- Recorded, Leaky Gut, Karen Carman
- Recorded, Prescribing for Acutes, Carmel Searson
- Recorded, Mindfulness x 3, David Behrens
- Recorded, The Vital Force, Jude Wills
- Recorded, Blood Sugar Balancing, Karen Carman
- Recorded, The Tao of the Vital Force, Jude Wills
- Recorded, Loving Your Liver, Karen Carman
- Recorded, Mental Health, Katja Behrens
- Recorded, Timelines, Jude Wills
- Recorded, Superfoods and Phytonutrients, Karen Carman
- Recorded Mental Health, Diving Deeper Katja Behrens
- Recorded, The Marvellous Microbiome - Part 1 & Part 2, Karen Carman
- Recorded, Themes in Casework, Karen Leadbeater
- Recorded, Adrenal Fatigue and the Thyroid, Karen Carman
- Recorded, Homeopathy for Animals, Geoff Johnson
- Recorded - Homeopathy for Addiction, Katja Behrens
- Recorded, Supporting the Digestive System, Karen Carman
- Recorded, The Radioactive Remedies - Homeopathy and Human Destiny - Geoff Johnson
- Recorded, Using Nutritional Supplements, Karen Carman
- Recorded, What Needs to be Cured, Jude Wills
- Recorded, Understanding Polarity in Casework, Karen Leadbeater
- Recorded, Candidiasis, Yeast & Fungal Overgrowth, Karen Carman
- Recorded, Allergies, Intolerance & Food Sensitivities, Karen Carman
- Recorded, Gentle detoxing, Karen Carman
- Recorded, An Introduction to the Periodic Table, Geoff Johnson
- Recorded, Managing the Menopause, Karen Carman
- Recorded, What makes a Mammal, Geoff Johnson
- Recorded, Supporting Fertility with Nutrition, Karen Carman
- Recorded, Stress, Eating disorders and Emotional Eating, Karen Carman
- Recorded, The Sensation Method - Case taking tips, Jon Didymus
- Recorded, Childhood Nutrition, Karen Carman
- Recorded, Mood Boosting Nutrition, Karen Carman (copy)
- Recorded, The Principles as Spiritual Tools, Jude Wills
- Recorded, Supporting Alzheimer's and Dementia with Nutrition, Karen Carman
- Recorded, Part 1 - Supporting Auto Immune Disorders with Nutrition - Karen Carman
- Recorded - Supporting Auto Immune Disorders with Nutrition - Karen Carman
- Untangling the Complexity of Addiction Through Homeopathy and Mindfulness - David & Katja Behrens
- Weight Management - 3 Part Series with Nicky Sainty
- Publications
- CD Packs
- Movies
- The power of the noble gases: Neon
- The deeper concept of disease
- Number Crunching: Your Way to Success!
- Remedies from human sources
- Plant and Animal kingdom taxonomy
- Plant and Animal kingdom taxonomy
- Latest Thinking
- Childrens drawings in case taking
- The Full Movie Pack
- A dynamic understanding of Materia Medica
- Carcinosin
- Acutes
- Kali Carb
- Pulsatilla
- Carcinosin
- Sulphur
- Q&A
- Mercury
- Kali Carbonicum
- Interview
- Childrens Drawing
- Noble Gases Neon
- Plant Animal Taxonomy Mistakes
- Plant Animal Taxonomy Case of Anacardiaceae
- Human Remedies
- Number Crunching Your Way to Success
- Interview
- Sensation & Whole
- CDs
- Philosophy
- Bryonia - CD2-01
- Homeopathic Pharmacy & Potentisation - CD2-02
- Pulsatilla - CD2-03
- Chamomilla - CD2-04
- Calcaria Carbonica - CD2-03
- Language of disease (Signs & Symptoms) - CD3-01
- Sepia - CD3-03
- Ferr. Phos. - CD3-04
- Gelsenium - CD3-05
- Direction of cure - CD4-01
- Direction of cure (continued) - CD4-02
- Natrum Muriaticum - CD4-03
- Mercurius - CD4-04
- Phosphorus - CD4-05
- Taking the homeopathic case - CD5-01
- Taking the homeopathic case (continued) - CD5-02
- Ignatia - CD5-03
- Aurum - CD5-04
- Argentum Nitricum - CD6-01
- Lachesis - CD6-02
- Staphisagria - CD6-03
- Baryta Carbonica - CD6-04
- Carbo Vegetabilis- CD6-05
- Susceptibility - CD7-01
- Silica - CD7-02
- Medorrhinum - CD7-03
- Ipecacuanha - CD7-04
- Acute Prescribing II - CD7-05
- Acute Prescribing III - CD7-06
- Acute Prescribing: Miasms - CD8-01
- Miasms II - CD8-02
- Psorinum II - CD8-03
- Stramonium - CD8-04
- Introduction to homeopathy - CD1-01
- Ledum (References to Arnica) - CD8-05
- Introduction to homeopathy (cont.) - CD1-02
- Remedy Reaction - CD9-01
- Potency Selection - CD9-02
- Sulphur - CD1-04
- Thuja - CD9-03
- Sulphur (Continued) - CD1-05
- Veratrum Album - CD9-04
- Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum - CD9-05
- Homeopathic Provings - CD2-01
- Prognosis: Carcinosin - CD10-01
- Prognosis: Carcinosin - CD10-02
- Pyrogen - CD10-03
- Tarentula Hispania & Cubensis - CD10-04
- Plumbum - CD10-05
- Philosophy - Strategies for Case Analysis - CD11-01
- Case of Mr D.D. - 2nd casetaking - CD11-02
- Case of Mr D.D. - analysis of 2nd casetaking - CD11-03
- Case of Mr D.D. - analysis (cont.) - CD11-04
- Anacardium - CD11-05
- The Organon Paragraph 73 - CD12-01
- Time Lines - Miasms - CD12-02
- Kent's 'Lesser Writings' (pp 448 - 449) - CD12-03
- The case of Vanessa - CD15-06
- Natrum Carbonicum - CD18-02
- A Case of Insanity - analysis- CD15-05
- The case of Wilf's wife - analysis - CD15-04
- Zincum - CD15-02
- Mappa Mundi Part 3 - CD14-03
- Mappa Mundi Part 1 - CD14-01
- Case Analysis - Rita - CD13-05
- A Case of Insanity - CD13-06
- Mappa Mundi Part 2 - CD14-02
- Case to be studied for self-assessment - CD16-01
- Case of Myndi - CD16-02
- Discussion on Organon para. 172 and para. 250 - CD16-03
- Case of Mrs Bewildered - CD16-04
- The case of Wilf's wife - analysis - CD15-03
- Apis in Children - CD14-04
- Acutes - CD15-01
- Analysis of 'Bewildered' from unit 17. - CD18-03
- The case of Maya - CD18-04
- Case of Katerina - CD18-05
- Analysis in class of the case of Maya. - CD19-01
- Brief analysis of the case of William Smith, plus follow up - CD19-02
- Hyosciamus - CD13-04
- Primary & Secondary Reaction - CD13-03
- Analysis of the Case of Mrs M.H. - CD13-02
- The Second Prescription - CD13-01
- Cannabis Indica - CD12-06
- Case of Rita - CD12-05
- Platinum - CD12-04
- Cicuta virosa - CD16-05
- The case of William Smith - CD17-01
- The case of Martine - CD17-02
- The case of Mr D.D. - third interview - CD17-03
- Analysis of a 'Case of Anxiety' from unit 16. - CD18-01
- Follow-up assessment and second prescription - CD17-04
- Follow-up assessment and second prescription (cont.) - CD17-05
- Remedies
- T-Shirts
- Courses
- Homeopathy Taster Course
- Homeopathy Yr 1 Foundation Course Units 1-7
- Homeopathy Yr 2 Intro into Practice Course Units 8-14
- Homeopathy Yr 3 Higher Diploma (Part 1) Course Units 15-20
- Homeopathy Practitioner Diploma Course (Units 15-18) - 1st Instalment
- Anatomy & Physiology for Alternative Practitioners Complete Course
- Pathology & Disease for Alternative Practitioners Complete Course
- Nutrition Advisor Course Yr 1
- Homeopathy First Aid Home Course
- Homeopathy First Aid Home Course (no remedies)
- Anatomy & Physiology Course
- Pathology & Disease Course
- Homeopathy Practitioner Diploma Course (Units 15-18)
- Yoga Foundation Course
- Homeopathy Yr 4 Higher Diploma (Part 2) Course Units 21-26
- Nutritional Therapist Course Yr 2
- Building Your Practice
- Homeopathy First Aid Pets Course (no remedies)
- Homeopathy First Aid Pets Course
- Homeopathy First Aid Baby Course (no remedies)
- Homeopathy First Aid Baby Course
- Nutrition for Home
- Nutrition Beginners Course
- Nutritional Therapist Course - Stage 1
- Naturopathy Course
- Herbal Medicine Course
- Nutritional Therapist Advanced Course Yr 3
- Herbal Medicine Beginners Course
- Free Audio Lectures
- Payments
- Summer School Registration 2025
- Clinical Workshop Assignment
- Supervision Registration
- Home Study Supervision Overview
- Supervision 12 Month Extension
- Anatomy & Physiology Course Exemption Application
- Pathology & Disease Course Exemption Application
- A&P Tutor Marking Upgrade
- Anatomy & Physiology or Pathology & Disease (Tutor Marking Upgrade)
- First Aid Course & Remedy Kit
- First Aid Course Tutor Marking & Certification
- Medical Science Registration
- Top-up payment
- School of Homeopathy Attendance Day
- Four Elements Saturday 4th July evening meal
- First Aid Course (No Remedy Kit)
- Online Clinic Fee - Nutrition & Homeopathy
- Four Elements Seminar - 4/5 July 09
- Duplicate Certificate
- CD Transcript
- Dynamis Clinic Day
- Homeopathy Year 1-3 (Unit 1-18)
- Miscellaneous Payment 1
- Anatomy & Physiology Day
- A&P (UK) or P&D Without Tutor Marking inc Reg Fee
- Medical Science Tutor Marking Guide
- Homeopathic Mind Maps, A Trilogy (NO POSTAGE)
- Archive Administration
- Advanced Entry Assessment
- Miscellaneous Payment 2
- Miscellaneous Payment 3
- School of Homeopathy Visit Day
- School of Homeopathy Patient Clinic Fee
- Reunion 2014 : Deposit
- Reunion 2014 : Course Fee
- Reunion 2014 : Early Bird Fee
- Dr Massimo Mangialavori (Both Days)
- Dr Massimo Mangialavori (One Day)
- Anatomy & Physiology for Homeopathy Data Disc
- Pathology & Disease for Homeopathy Data Disc
- Homeopathy Tutorial Fee
- grreer
- Plant Seminar - 1 day
- Advanced Entry Assessment Fee
- Plant Seminar - Evening meal Thursday
- Supervision Overview
- Marvellous May Event 2025
- Anatomy & Physiology or Pathology & Disease Courses Without Tutor Marking
- A&P (INT) or P&D Without Tutor Marking inc Reg fee
- A&P (UK) or P&D for Hom Basic Course
- A&P (INT) or P&D for Hom Basic Course
- A&P (EU) or P&D for Hom Basic Course
- Miscellaneous Payment 4
- Homeopathy Course Transfer Fee
- Bank Transfer Fee
- New: Health Webinar - Karen Carman - Non Student
- Miscellaneous Payment 5
- Miscellaneous Payment 6
- Summer School Course Fee 2025
- Homeopathy Attendance Year Out Fee
- A&P or P&D (EU) Tutor Marking Upgrade
- A&P or P&D (INT) Tutor Marking Upgrade
- A Celebration of Provings (Proving Student Discount)
- Friday evening meal
- Current Student Letter
- Completed Student Letter
- Presence in Practice
- Supervisor Transfer
- Presence in Practice
- A Celebration of Cell Salts
- Renew
- Homeopathy Course Re-enrolment - 1 Year
- Anatomy & Physiology Course Re-enrolment - 1 Year
- Pathology & Disease Course Re-enrolment - 1 Year
- Nutrition Advisor Course Re-enrolment - 1 Year
- Late marking fee - Jon Didymus
- Homeopathy Late Marking Extension
- Attendance Late Marking Fee
- Late Marking fee - Katja Behrens
- Late Marking fee - Sheila Gore
- Late Marking fee - Karen Leadbeater
- Late Marking fee - Nick Burton-Taylor
- Homeopathy Late Marking Extension
- Late Marking fee - Janet Taylor
- Late Marking fee - Phil Wright
- Clincal Obs/CPD Course Re-enrolment - 6 Months
- Yoga Foundation Course Re-enrolment - 1 Year
- Nutrition Therapist Course Re-enrolment - 6 Months
- Anatomy & Physiology Course Re-enrolment - 6 Months
- Homeopathy Course Re-enrolment - 6 Months
- Nutrition Advisor Course Re-enrolment - 6 Months
- Nutrition Therapist Course Re-enrolment - 1 Year
- Pathology & Disease Course Re-enrolment - 6 Months
- Yoga Foundation Course Re-enrolment - 6 Months
- Late Marking fee - Nici Holland
- Homeopathy Supervision Extension - 1 Year
- Homeopathy Supervision Extension - 6 Months
- Naturopathy Course Re-enrolment - 1 Year
- Naturopathy Unit Re-enrolment - 4 Months
- Naturopathy Course Re-enrolment - 6 Months
- Anatomy & Physiology Course Re-enrolment - 3 Months
- Homeopathy Course Re-enrolment - 3 Months
- Naturopathy Course Re-enrolment - 3 Months
- Nutrition Advisor Course Re-enrolment - 3 Months
- Nutrition Therapist Course Re-enrolment - 3 Months
- Pathology & Disease Course Re-enrolment - 3 Months
- Yoga Foundation Course Re-enrolment - 3 Months
- Homeopathy Course Extension Admin Fee - ACHENA
- Herbal Medicine Course Re-enrolment - 1 Year
- Herbal Medicine Course Re-enrolment - 6 Months
- Herbal Medicine Course Re-enrolment - 3 Months
- Homeopathy Supervision Extension - 3 Months
- Attendance Late Marking Fee
- World Class Event
- Not live
- The Sensation in Homeopathy
- An Insight Into Plants Volumes I & II (2 Vols)
- The Soul of Remedies
- Modern Guide & Index to Mental Rubrics
- Art of Interrogation
- Homoeopathy & Minerals
- Homoeopathy and the Elements
- Dynamics & Methodology of Homoeopathic Provings
- Homoeopathic Drug Pictures
- The Complete Repertory Mind
- Prisma
- The New Synoptic One ONE LEFT!
- Synoptic Materia Medica 2 Prisma
- Medicine of the New Millennium
- The Science of Homoeopathy
- Talks on Classical Homeopathy
- The Essence of Materia Medica
- Psyche & Substance (US Ed.) 1 LEFT!
- Psyche & Substance (Indian Ed.) 1 LEFT!
- A Brief Study Course in Homoeopathy
- Homoeopathy - the fundamentals
- Chronic Diseases (2 Vols.)
- Lesser Writings
- Materia Medica Pura (2 Vols.)
- Organon (ed. by Brewster O'Reilly)
- The Homeopathic Treatment of Children 1 LEFT
- Lectures on Hom. Philosophy
- Repertory (medium size with thumb index)
- Keynotes and Redline Symptoms
- Principles of Prescribing
- Desk Top Guide 1 LEFT!
- Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics
- The Vaccine Guide
- Notes on the Miasms
- Materia Medica (revised & enlarged edition)
- A Concise Repertory of Hom Medicines
- A Homeopathic Approach to Cancer
- Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy
- Materia Medica of the Human Mind
- Keynotes with Nosodes 4 LEFT!
- Materia Medica of Nosodes
- LM Potencies
- Remedy Relationships
- Homeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory - LAST FEW REMAINING
- Children's Types
- Materia Medica of Mind
- Indications of the Miasms
- 50 Millesimal Potency in Theory
- Dictionary of Materia Medica (3 Vols)
- Genius of Homoeopathy
- Nature And Human Personality: Homoeopathic Archetypes
- Portraits of Homeopathic Medicines Vol.1
- Portraits of Homeopathic Medicines Vol.2
- Portraits of Homeopathic Medicines Vol.3
- Portraits of Homeopathic Medicines (all 3 Vols.)
- Clinical Materia Medica
- Lesser Writings
- The Prescribed Drug Guide
- Homeopathic Sketches of Children's Types
- The Spirit of Homeopathy
- Studies of Homoeopathic Remedies
- A Wander with a Little Wonder
- Survival the Reptile
- Solanaceae
- Miasms and Nosodes
- Using Correspondences in Homeopathy
- Homeopathy: Good Science
- The Homeopathic Treatment of Children (Indian Version)
- Birds - seeking the freedom of the sky
- The Journey into the Human Core
- Desktop Companion Physical Pathology 1 LEFT!
- On Being a Supervisee - Creating Learning Partnerships
- Butterflies sold out
- Using Miasms in Homeopathy
- Spiders: suspended between earth and sky
- Appearance and Circumstance
- Soul and Survival
- Concordant Materia Medica
- Snake Remedies 1 LEFT
- Homeopathy for Today's World
- Sensations 1 LEFT
- Structure - Experiences with the Mineral Kingdom (2 Vols)
- Dynamic Materia Medica - Syphilis
- Synthesis Repertory 9.1
- The Essential Synthesis
- Sensation Refined 1 LEFT
- Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica
- MatMedCards
- Fungi - Kingdom Fungi
- Secrets of Lanthanides
- Animal Mind, Human Voices
- Medical Homeopathy
- An Insight into Plants Volume III
- Medicine Flows, Homeopathic Philosophy
- Organon of Medicine
- Natural Alternatives for Depression
- Sensation as if
- Monera - kingdom of bacteria & viruses
- Understanding Homeopathy, Homeopathic Understanding
- Lacs in homeopathy
- The Schema (latest edition)
- Twelve Jewels
- Birds - Homeopathic Remedies
- Using Philosophy in Homeopathy
- Survival the Mollusc
- Snakes: drawing power from the underworld
- Basic plus remedy kit
- Childbirth remedy kit
- Travellers remedy kit
- Nux Vomica - CD3-02
- Starter Book
- Aconite - CD1-03
- Rhus Tox - CD1-06
- Homeopathy Taster Course - Basic (without tutor marking and without certificate)
- Homeopathy Taster Course - Up-grade (from Basic to Complete)
- Homeopathy Foundation Course (Units 3-7) - Up-grade from Taster Course
- Homeopathy Intro into Practice Course (Units 8-14) - 1st Instalment
- Anatomy & Physiology for Alternative Practitioners Basic Course & Books (without tutor marking and without certificate)
- Pathology & Disease for Alternative Practitioners Basic Course & Books (without tutor marking and without certificate)
- Nutrition Advisor Basic Course & Books (without tutor marking and without certificate)
- Homeopathy Foundation Course (Units 1-7) - 1st Instalment
- 2 Day Summer School Registration
- Nutrition Tutor Marking Upgrade
- Insects: Escaping the earth
- School of Homeopathy Supervision day
- Homeopathy Instalment Course Tutor Marking
- School of Homeopathy Sun
- Switch on
- Are you seeing it
- Anatomy & Physiology for homeopaths Basic Course & Books (without tutor marking and without certification)
- Potentised
- Be happy, stay healthy
- Grow, become a homeopath
- Hope, hope, hope & homeopathy
- Strange, Rare & Peculiar
- If the drugs dont work
- Life''s complicated, Hom. is simple
- Pathology & Disease for homeopaths Basic Course (without tutor marking and without certification)
- Fly, Become A Homeopath
- Human Energy (back)
- Unprejudiced observer
- The Substance in Homeopathy
- Samuel
- Danger potentised
- An invisible force
- Happy homeopath
- Homeopathic action
- Homeopaths do it with energy
- A higher level (back)
- Accident & emergency remedy kit
- Rhus tox and Ruta grav cream
- Homeopathy Instalment Course No Tutor Marking
- The Merck Manual Home Health Handbook
- A&P for Homeopaths Day
- P&D for Homeopaths Day
- Homeopathic Mind Maps
- Acutes
- Graduates Group/Post Grad Fee Per Day
- Hahnemann’s Conception of Chronic Disease
- Principles and Practice of Homeopathy
- Case Taking
- Homeopathy Yr 1 Foundation Course Units 1-7 (E-learning)
- Homeopathy Yr 2 Intro into Practice Course Units 8-14 (E-learning)
- Homeopathy Yr 3 Higher Diploma (Part 1) Course Units 15-20(E-learning)
- Homeopathy Yr 4 Higher Diploma (Part 2) Course Units 21-26 (E-learning)
- Homeopathy Taster Course
- The Solution 1 LEFT!
- Therapist Course Units 5-8 (with A&P)
- Therapist Course Units 5-8 (no A&P)
- Anatomy & Physiology for Homeopaths Complete Course (E-learning)
- Pathology & Disease for homeopaths Complete Course (E-learning))
- Therapist Course (No A&P) EU
- Plant Seminar - 2 days
- Plant Seminar - B&B for Thursday
- Plant Seminar - Lunch both days
- A&P Exemption Dotolo
- Plant Seminar - B&B for Friday
- Plant Seminar - Evening meal Friday
- Data Disc - Movie lectures
- Plant Seminar - Evening meal Friday (not staying at Penny Brohn)
- Therapist Course Upgrade (no A&P) EU
- Calcaria Carbonica - CD2-05
- May Guest 1 day Saturday
- May Guest 1 day Sunday
- Therapist Course (No A&P) INT
- Therapist Course Upgrade (with A&P) EU
- Therapist Course Upgrade (with A&P) INT
- Therapist Course Upgrade (no A&P) INT
- Herbal Medicine - One Day Taster Course
- P&D Boot Camp 2023
- Nutrition Advisor Complete Course & Books (E-learning)
- Nutrition Therapist Complete Course & Books (E-learning)
- East Meets West
- SOLD OUT - Just One Drop - SOLD OUT
- The Natural Health Seminar - Flash Sale
- The Natural Health Seminar - 5 Day Course Fee
- The Natural Health Seminar - Day Rate
- The Food Doctor
- Introduction to Nutrition
- Clinical Master Class with Karen Carman
- Therapist Course Units 1-4 (no A&P)
- Nutrition Course Units x 2 (no Tutor)
- Nutrition Course Units x 2 (Tutor)
- Therapist Course Units 1-4 (with A&P)
- Advanced Nutrition - One Day Course
- Clinical Master Class with Karen Carman - no tutor marking
- Online Homeopathy Clinic - with Karen Leadbeater
- Homeopathic Tissue Salts with Miranda Castro
- Webinar: Ancient Plants - The Unfolding Story
- Tutorial Upgrade Pack One Unit
- Personal Evolution Model (PEM), The Animal Kingdom, with Dr Mahesh Gandhi
- Nutrition Advisor & Therapist without A&P
- Master Class with Rajan Sankaran
- Journey through the Synapses
- Spring Detox : 1 Day Event : Reg Fee
- Nourish : 3 Day Event : Reg Fee
- Units
- Course Units Instalment
- Course Units Instalment - EU
- Course Units 8-10 (Instalment 4)
- Course Units 13-14 (Instalment 6)
- Course Units 15-16 (Instalment 7)
- Course Units 17-18 (Instalment 8)
- Attendance Course Deposit
- Course Units 11-12 (Instalment 5)
- Course Units Instalment - INT
- Advanced Entry Unit
- Course Up-grade (Units 3-7)
- Course Up-grade (Units 11-14)
- Home Study Course Year 1-2
- Home Study Course Year 1-3
- Course Registration Fee
- Attendance Course Year 1 or 2 (Full inc. deposit)
- Attendance Course Year 3 or 4 (Full inc. deposit)
- Clinical Observation Course - With Tutor Marking and Certification
- Clinical Observation Course - EU (With Tutor Marking and Certification)
- Course Units 19-20 (Instalment 9)
- Course Units 21-22 (Instalment 10)
- Course Units 23-24 (Instalment 11)
- Course Units 25-26 (Instalment 12)
- Home Study Course Year 1-4
- Home Study Course Year 3 Original
- Research in Homeopathy - With Tutor Marking and Certification
- Basic Course (EU)
- Basic Course (INT)
- Attendance Course Year 1-2 Balance
- Attendance Course Balance
- Attendance Course Year 3 or 4 (Balance Fee)
- Homeopathy Sensation & System Postgraduate Course
- 14 ADV + Year 3
- 7ADV + Year 2
- 10ADV + Units 11 - 14
- 4ADV + Units 5 - 7
- Home Study Course Year 3-4
- Attendance Course Instalment Year 3 or 4
- Attendance Course Instalment
- 10ADV + Units 11 - 14 EU
- 10ADV + Units 11 - 14 INT
- 14 ADV + Year 3 INT
- 14 ADV + Year 3 EU
- 4ADV + Units 5 - 7 EU
- 4ADV + Units 5 - 7 INT
- 7ADV + Year 2 EU
- 7ADV + Year 2 INT
- Advanced Entry Unit - EU
- Advanced Entry Unit - INT
- Clinical Observation Course - INT (With Tutor Marking and Certification)
- Course Up-grade (Units 3-7) - EU
- Course Up-grade (Units 3-7) - INT
- Homeopathy Sensation & System Postgraduate Course - EU
- Homeopathy Sensation & System Postgraduate Course - INT
- How To Build Your Dream Practice - With Tutor Marking and Certification
- How To Build Your Dream Practice (With Tutor Marking and Certification) - INT
- Research in Homeopathy (With Tutor Marking and Certification) - EU
- Research in Homeopathy (With Tutor Marking and Certification) - INT
- Taster Course Basic (Units 1-2) - EU
- Taster Course Basic (Unit 1-2) - INT
- Physical examination - With Tutor Marking and Certification
- Physical Examination (With Tutor Marking and Certification) - EU
- Physical Examination (With Tutor Marking and Certification) - INT
- Course Single Unit Years 1 & 2
- Course Single Unit Years 3 & 4
- Naturopathy
- Naturopathy Course Registration Fee
- 3. Tibetan & Unani Medicine Course
- 2. Chinese Medicine Course
- 4. Homeopathy Course
- 6. Homotoxicology Course
- 5. Naturopathy Course
- 7. Psychosocial Skills Course
- 8. Iridology Course
- 9. Hydrotherapy Course
- 10. Dentistry Course
- Event Course Fee
- Event Registration Fee
- Course Units Instalment
- 1. Ayurveda Medicine Course
- Naturopathy Unit Registration Fee
- 4. Herbalism Course
- Event Day Course Fee
- Supervision 3 months Extension Fee
- Supervision 6 months Extension Fee
- Supervision Application Fee
- Prior Learning Application
- Course 5 Units
- Nutrition
- A&P Exemption
- Nutrition Advisor, Therapist and A&P
- Course Clinical Event - Registration Fee
- Tutor marking for case studies
- Advisor Course Units 3-4
- Advisor Course Units 1-2
- Therapist Course without Tutor Marking (no A&P)
- Therapist Course 3Adv Units 3-4 Advanced Entry
- Therapist Course 4Adv Units 4-8 Advanced Entry
- Therapist Course 5Adv Units 5-8 Advanced Entry
- Therapist Course Units 5-6
- Therapist Course Units 1-2
- Therapist Course Units 3-4
- Therapist Course Units 7-8
- 3 Day Clinical Event - Course Fee
- Nutritional therapist bridging unit
- Course Registration Fee
- Therapist Advanced Course Units 9-10
- Therapist Advanced Course Units 11-12
- 4 Day Clinical Event - Course Fee
- 4 Day Clinical Event - Top up Fee extra day
- 2 Day Clinical Event - Course Fee
- Supervision Application Fee
- Supervision 3 months Extension Fee
- Supervision 6 months Extension Fee
- Nutrition Course Single Unit
- Therapist Course Units 1-8 (with A&P) (copy)
- Autumn Immunity : 1 Day Event : Reg Fee
- Tutorials
- Tutorial - EW
- Tutorial - BN
- Tutorial - CS
- Tutorial - CW
- Tutorial - JT
- Tutorial - JG
- Tutorial - JM
- Tutorial - JW
- Tutorial - JW
- Tutorial - JW
- Tutorial - JS
- Tutorial - JE
- Tutorial - KC
- Tutorial - ME
- Tutorial - MS
- Tutorial - PB
- Tutorial - PS
- Tutorial - SH
- Tutorial - NS
- Tutorial - WD
- Tutorial - Bev Nickolls
- Tutorial - DC
- Tutorial - KB
- Tutorial - NH
- Tutorial - CC
- Tutorial - LS
- Tutorial - AD
- Tutorial - MW
- Tutorial - LS
- Tutorial - SL
- Tutorial Packs
- Tutorial Upgrade Pack Homeopathy Year 1 (7 x tutorials)
- Tutorial Upgrade Pack Homeopathy Year 2 (7 x tutorials)
- Tutorial Upgrade Pack Homeopathy Year 3 (6 x tutorials)
- Tutorial Upgrade Pack Homeopathy Year 4 (6 x tutorials)
- Tutorial Upgrade Pack Nutrition Year 1 (4 x tutorials)
- Tutorial Upgrade Pack Nutrition Year 2 (4 x tutorials)
- Tutorial Upgrade Pack Nutrition Stage 1 and 2 (8 x tutorials)
- Tutorial Upgrade Pack Naturopathy (10 x tutorials)
- Tutorial Upgrade Pack Nutrition Year 3 (4 x tutorials)
- Tutorial Upgrade Pack Herbs (4 x tutorials)
- Tutorial Upgrade Pack Yoga (8 x tutorials)
- Tutorial Upgrade Pack Homeopathy Units 1-2 (2 x tutorials) instalment
- Tutorial Upgrade Pack Homeopathy Units 3-7 (5 x tutorials) instalment (copy)
- Authors
- Web
- Herbal Medicine